Hawaii Rush

Bluffton Rush SC


The Heart of Rush

Our player development approach embodies the Rush identity, beliefs, and values. It reflects our Passion and our Purpose. At BRSC, a player’s career starts with a deep understanding of who we are, what we believe in, how we coach and play and how we support our players in everything they do. Everything begins at the Heart of The Rush.

‘Where the Trails of Passion & Purpose Meet, Begins the Path to Victory’


Rush Soccer is the largest youth soccer club in the world. We are committed to providing an unparalleled soccer experience to all our players both on and off the field. Progressive, Ambitious, Comprehensive. Since the birth of Rush in 1997, we have become the premier model for youth soccer and have built a reputation of excellence around the world. Worldwide Rush has more than 40,000 players and 2,000 coaches.

At the foundation of Rush Soccer are 11 core values: Accountability, Advice, Empathy, Enjoyment, Humility, Leadership, Passion, Respect, Safety, Tenacity, Unity. 


At Rush Soccer, we believe soccer is a game of instincts. It is an art, not a science. The game is the best teacher. Instincts are born from technique but it is in the game itself that a player discovers creativity and finding solutions to problems. The coach shapes the soccer environment to allow the game to teach and guides players when needed. Rush Soccer believes soccer is unlike other sports. It is a player’s game, not a coach’s game.

We believe that players go through two developmental stages. The first, “playing ball”, runs until the age of 13. In this stage the coach shapes a training environment that allows the game to teach. The second stage is “playing football”. Here the coach abstract concepts and tactics are introduced to allow players to maximize their abilities. In the first stage the player discovers the diamond and in the second stage the player polishes it.   

It is the passion of the player that drives them to play more, and the more they play, the more they learn, from the game.


The Rush Way is a reflection of our core values and culture, and a tradition sustained for almost 25 years. BRSC teams attack. We are passionate, tenacious, adaptable to varying circumstances, and purposeful in our game. The Rush Way is based upon movement and activity by both player and ball. Possession-oriented does not fully describe how we play; attack-oriented does. Whether in possession or in defense, we are attacking. When we have the ball we attack the goal, when they have the ball we attack the ball, we are always attacking. Rush Players play with freedom and creativity yet understand the importance of responsibility and learn to balance the two. Rush teams are flexible and adapt to varying circumstances. The Rush Way to Play represents both passion and purpose.


BRSC is a club developed and run by coaches. They each reflect the Core Values of the Club and are expected to conduct themselves as role models to our players. The Rush Coach puts players first and creates an environment in which the player learns and develops not only as a player, but as a young person as well. Rush Coaches create environments for the players to express themselves. Freedom and creativity without fear of failure. In fact, Rush Coaches embrace failure as a tool for learning. The Rush Coach also demands commitment, focus, accountability, and discipline from their players. Achieving excellence in any endeavor cannot be achieved otherwise.  The Rush Coach is also active, positive, empathetic, has a strong work ethic, and shows a passion for the game and for his/her players. Our coaching always aims to nurture the player’s game understanding, and our environments create challenges for these players to help them solve problems and make decisions.  


Rush Soccer has a player-centered philosophy. We focus on long term player development. This means our overriding obligation is not to achieve results today, but to prepare all our players for the game at the next level of play whether it be high school, college or beyond. The Rush player represents the club’s core values in the way he/she plays, and wholeheartedly and honestly believes in themselves, the team, and the club. 

The future Rush Player has six marked key characteristics that are reflected in behaviors and skills along their development through each age group. These are:       

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